New Media Interchange

Question: Should I stay on Facebook?

Originally from Careers in New Media with Douglas E. Welch…

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been asked this question more than a few times, both face-to-face and via email/Twitter. The on-going privacy policy battles with Facebook have turned off a lot of people on the large (and growing larger) service, but for the foreseeable future, if you leave Facebook, you might just be reducing your social media effectiveness.

First, let me say that I haven’t had a large problem with Facebook privacy settings for two important reasons.

  1. I joined Facebook after it had opened up for everyone, not just limited groups of high school and college students so I never developed an assumption of privacy there.

  2. As with any social media, I consider anything and everything I post there to be public by default, so changes in Facebook’s privacy policy didn’t really effect me or the way I used the service.

For most people, you want (and perhaps, need) to be on Facebook for one very important reason…it is where the people are. In shear numbers, Facebook far outweighs any other social network and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Removing yourself from that mass of people will limit the effectiveness of any social media campaign, both person and professional, that you might care to create. You need to connect with the quorum of people that exist on Facebook to spread your message as far as possible. Deleting your Facebook account might make your feel better, but your online relationships and business will suffer.

Will Facebook always be the big event in town? No. History has shown that companies ebb and flow over the years and sometime, somewhere, someone will create a new and better service and will do to Facebook, what it did to Myspace (and others). Until then, we all need to “dance with those that brought us.”

That said, if you want to continue to have private conversations via Facebook, you need to look elsewhere. Facebook has shown every indication that they will be “public by default.” Even if you manage your Facebook Privacy Settings perfectly, you will be exposing your “private” updates to any number of people. Look towards closed email lists or other services which promise closed communications and leave Facebook for your public-facing activities. Remember, though, that even then information can leak out of these so-called “private” realms very easily. A forwarded email, a Twitter message, a casual mention by a fellow group member over the phone show you just how fragile privacy can be. In some cases, the only way to truly private about something is to be the only person who knows about it.

You need to engage on Facebook, publicly, if you want spread your message and thoughts to the widest audience possible. Move your private conversations elsewhere. Facebook isn’t going back so you need to do what is best for you.

Filed under: Member, New Media, Opinion, Tips

Turning your Passion into your Personal Brand at

NMI Founder, Douglas E. Welch, did a short interview via Skype video today with Tracy Pattin of Tracy is starting this new show and business to help with “Turning your Passion into your Personal Brand.” They talk about the how and way of moving forward with your own personal branding.

You can find Tracy’s complete blog post at

Filed under: Elsewhere, New Media, Video

Show recommendation: FilmRiot from Revision3

This post originally appeared in “Careers in New Media“…

I had some open time in the last few days and I have spent some time finding sites and shows that can help you make your New Media projects even better.

The first show I am highlighting is FilmRiot from Revision3. The production quality is quite high and the content is very good. There is a bit of silliness in each episode, but in reviewing several episodes I found some really good hints, tips and tricks you can put to use today. Embedded below is a recent episode entitled “Turn Your Tripod Into a Dolly or Jib!: Learn how to use your tripod as a dolly or jib, then learn about using different camera techniques to enhance your story.” These are simple hints, but for those of us working on small budgets and with heavy time constraints, they can quickly bump up the quality of our projects.

You can subscribe to FilmRiot and download previous episodes from the FilmRiot site.

Filed under: Elsewhere, New Media, podcast, Show, Tips, Video

MediaCampLA in the planning stages — Become an organizer!

Following our successful CareerCampLA and CareerCampSCV, I am moving forward with another unconference idea I have had for a while — MediaCampLA.

This unconference will focus on New Media of all sorts including online video sharing sites, podcasting and social media like Facebook, Twitter and more.

I have set up a mailing list for MediaCampLA at We have a very basic web page up at

There is also the beginnings of a planning document at:

If you are interested in helping organize MediaCampLA, please join the mailing list and share your ideas there and on the planning document.

Filed under: Events, MediaCampLA, New Media

Not every video needs to look the same as every other

Sometimes it is entirely too easy to believe that every video you produce must look like every other video on the Net. It has to be something stupid, it has to look exactly like mainstream TV, it has to have a presenter, it has to “mean” something, it has to look like every other video on the Net.

While you might want to make videos like take the standard form of interview, music video or silly clip, sometimes it pays to stretch yourself and do something entirely different. One type of video I create regularly is something I call and “environmental” video. This has nothing to do with sustainability and saving the planet. Rather, they are designed to give you the feeling of what it might be like to be in the environment, just for few minutes.

Sometimes these videos have several cuts from different angles and sometimes, like the video linked below, they have only one static shot with natural sound and some background music. While these videos certainly aren’t for everyone, I hope they show you that every video on the net need look like every other video. Experiment with different themes, different styles, different views of even the most common object and you will be surprised at what you get.

Download “Santa Barbara Palm Trees – iPod Ready Video

Filed under: Opinion, podcast, Show, Video